The Tracy Donegan Podcast

Freedom to Move in Labor Helps Your Baby Move Through the Pelvis - A Conversation with Molly O'Brien

Episode Summary

In this conversation, midwife Molly O'Brien discusses the importance of understanding the biomechanics of birth and how it can optimize positioning and labor for mothers. They also touch on the challenges faced by midwives in a medicalized birth system and the need for more physiological birth options. The conversation highlights the need for birth education that focuses on movement, trust in the body, and informed decision-making. The key takeaways include the importance of freedom to move during labor, the need for evidence-based birth education, and the power of saying no to interventions. In this conversation, Tracy Donegan and Molly O'Brien discuss the importance of personalized birth experiences and the need for midwives to support women's choices. They emphasize the power of music during labor and the importance of creating a supportive birth environment. They also discuss the challenges midwives face in advocating for physiological birth and the need for evidence-based information for parents. The conversation highlights the need for a shift in the current medical model of care and the importance of empowering women to make informed decisions.